Outplacement Statistics 2023

We have analysed our labour market data for the whole of last year 2023 and provided the new statistics. After the years 2021 and 2022 were dominated by economic growth after coronavirus, the labour market returned to normal somewhat in 2023. Pascal Scheiwiller, CEO of von Rundstedt: “Companies have increasingly carried out smaller and larger downsizing or reorganisation projects, internal overcapacities have been eliminated and more restructuring has taken place. This has also eased the cyclical shortage of skilled labour across all sectors, although the structural shortage of skilled labour in specific areas and professions remains critical.” The normalisation is bringing old patterns back to the fore. Pascal Scheiwiller: “The polarisation between old and young and between winners and losers on the labour market is increasing again. Mobility between sectors and functions is virtually returning to pre-coronavirus levels.”

The economic forecasts suggest that conditions on the labour market will continue to normalise in 2024 and become somewhat more sober. Market-related restructuring and fluctuation in general will increase again. This Barometer 2024 relates to the whole of Switzerland and is based on information from 2,182 employees affected by redundancies and 223 companies from various sectors that had to make redundancies in Switzerland in 2023. It therefore provides a representative picture of the Swiss labour market as a whole in 2023.

von Rundstedt Labour Market Barometer 1/2024 (German)
Key figures 2023