

For Companies
For Individuals

Survey “Contradictions in the Swiss labour market”

von Rundstedt is once again conducting a major labour market study in 2023 together with HR Today. The theme of this year’s study is the contradictions and dilemmas in the labour market. Markets usually function according to clear and rational rules. In liberal Switzerland, we believe in principle that imbalances only appear temporarily and that  markets regulate themselves. Therefore, political intervention is largely frowned upon. However, it is noticeable that there are currently more imbalances than usual in the labour market. In this survey, we would like to ask your opinion on eight striking phenomena.

The survey is structured as follows:

  1. General information about you and your employer
  2. Questions on eight contradictions:
    • Polarisation between winners and losers
    • Skills shortages and labour productivity
    • Workaholism and burnout
    • Growth spiral without end
    • Industry cult despite transformation
    • Purpose and Individualism
    • Would-be entrepreneurs
    • Age dilemma

The survey is anonymous. Your individual answers and information remain completely confidential. You will need about 10 minutes to complete the survey.

When answering the question, self-employed persons please assess the working environment with clients and partners.